Modus focused ESWR - Modus ED

The focusing mechanism, directs each shock to a specific point in the body. Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED is used in physiotherapy, orthopedics, veterinary medicine, and urology for treating erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence. Acoustic waves are used in the shock wave therapy to initiate the neovascularization process in some parts of the body. New blood vessels are formed as a result of neovascularization. As a result of increased penile blood flow with the formation of new vessels, the body’s natural erection system recovers to its normal state.
Because of non-invasive treatment method of Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED, there is no need to surgical intervention. After sessions lasting an average of 20 minutes, the patient can continue his/her daily routine.

Features of the Focused Product
- Modus Focused ESWT - Modus ED provides impulses up to 4 Hz and 0.25mJ.
- Head options are offered for providing shock wave transmission up to a penetration depth of 0 - 80 millimeters.
- Portable, useful anywhere and anytime.
- It offers visual, written and video narration information with ready-made treatment programs. (Indications and Pathological application guide)
- It provides archive support to the user with the patient registration and follow-up menu.
- The ability to change Frequency and Power settings during treatment provides ease of use.
- The adjusted parameters during the treatment can be easily viewed from the device screen and changes can be made.
- The generator and the handpiece unit are maintenance-free.
- Coloured Touchscreen technology provides easy use.
3 Hz
0.15 mJ/mm2
Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED Focused Device provides you ease of use with its feature of changing FREQUENCY and POWER settings during patient treatment. You can adjust the frequency and power of the device up to 4 levels according to the patient with this feature.
Modus Focused ESWT - Modus ED Focused Handpiece Features
- In-depth energy delivery to the selected anatomical region
- Easy and fast use that does not tire the hand
- Easy mobility
- Maintenance-free handpiece
- Head options with easy replacement according to use

Effectiveness Of Shock Wave Therapy
“As shock waves pass through different tissues, some of their energy is transmitted to the tissue and some is reflected. Micro-level changes are seen according to the physical properties of the tissue.” (Sems, Dimeff & Ianotti JP., 2006).
With shock wave therapy, the therapeutic result is easily achieved by transmitting more energy to the tissue.
Gives more energy further
F-50 Head

- Penetration Depths:
- 20 mm
- 30 mm
- 50 mm
- 70 mm
Usage Area: Erectile Dysfunction, Prostatitis, ect
F-L50 Head

- Penetration Depths:
- Effective up to 50 mm
Usage Area: Erectile Dysfunction, Prostatitis, ect
F-35 Head

- Penetration Depths:
- 15 mm
- 25 mm
- 35 mm
Usage Area: Peyronie
F-35 Head

- Penetration Depths:
- 15 mm
- 25 mm
- 35 mm
Usage Area: Vaginismus
What is Focused Shockwave Therapy?
There are two types of Shock Waves, Focused Shock Waves and Radial Shock Waves, learn more about the differences here. Focused shock waves have a higher energy density and faster pulse compared to radial devices. Focused shock waves can more precisely target deeper tissues by delivering all their energy within the tissue.

Clinical Advantages of Treatment
- Higher Energy Output
- Generally better tolerated with a higher comfort level
- May offer faster results for some indications
- Treat men's sexual health conditions
- Can be used with other treatments
- Reaches deeper structures
Main indications for the system
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Peyronie
- Prostatitis
- Vaginismus
Erectile dysfunction treatment in 6 steps
Shock waves are applied to 5 different points of the penis. Shock shots are applied on the spots that provide erection in the penis. It is tried not to be applied to the points where the nerves pass. The important thing is applying shock waves to the area called the Corpus Cavernosum (each of the erectile tissue mass filling with blood on both sides of the penis). The more vascularization and blood supply is increased, the more successful the treatment will be.
1. Apply ultrasonic gel
2. On the left side 1 area, proximal penile shaft (the root of the penis) apply shock waves
3. On the right side, 1 area proximal penile shaft (the root of penis) apply shock waves
4. On the left side 2 areas, middle penile shaft (body area of the penis) apply shock waves
5. On the right side 2 areas, middle penile shaft (body area of the penis) apply shock waves6. On the right side 3 areas, distal penile shaft (distal areas of the penis) apply shock waves

It activates Stem Cells, one of the body’s natural healing mechanisms. New vessel formation is stimulated by activating vascular Stem Cells (Neoendothelialization and Angiogenesis). As a result of increased penile blood flow with the formation of new vessels, the body’s natural erection system returns to its former normal state.
It is done in 6 sessions of treatments. Low-intensity shock waves to the penis and penis root during treatment waves are given.
The reason why the treatment is done in sessions is related to the treatment mechanism. The formation of new vessels as a result of Stem Cell Involvement with the effect of Low Intensity Acoustic Shock Waves is the body’s own natural healing mechanism that takes time and develops slowly. For these reasons, Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment is performed in 6 sessions.
It is effective for all vascular-related Erectile Dysfunctions. Vascular erectile dysfunction accounts for approximately 70% of all patients, and the largest group among them is Diabetes and Coronary Vascular Patients. In addition, Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment gives successful results before and after prostate surgery.
Success rate is 80% with 6-12 sessions of Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment in mild and moderate group patients, and over 60% with 12-24 sessions of Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment in severe patients.
Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment gives successful results in 3 out of 4 patients with 6-12 sessions of treatment in mild and moderate group patients, and in 2 out of 4 patients with 12-24 sessions of treatment in severe patients.
With 6-12 sessions of Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment, mild and moderate group patients get rid of drug use or return to a happy sexual life with a very low dose of drug.
With 12 -24 sessions of Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment, severe patients who did not even respond to drugs respond to drugs before and allow them to return to a sustainable happy sexual life.
Since Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment has no side effects, there is no limit to the number of sessions. Each additional 6 sessions increase the success of the treatment even more.
The success rates obtained with oral medications are in the range of approximately 60-70% . In addition to the known side effects and adverse effects of drug therapy, 50% of the patients stop using the drug after a while due to reasons such as risks in coronary heart patients, the need to plan sexual intercourse in advance, and drug addiction. In addition, it has been shown that severe patients who do not respond to drugs and are referred to needle and penile prosthesis as a last resort however they can become responsive to drugs after Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment.
Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment is completely safe. There is no intervention or interference. There is no drug use. There are no reported side effects during and after the treatment. After each session, patients return to their daily lives without waiting. There are no restrictions in their daily life.
There is no pain during and after Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment, it has not been reported to date. No sedation, or pre-treatment preparation is required. There is no need for a restriction after treatment. Some patients stated that they felt a slight tingling sensation during the treatment and this feeling disappeared at the end of the session.
Each treatment session takes approximately 20 minutes. Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment is not a one-session treatment. At least 6 sessions of treatment are required. 6-12 sessions of treatment are required for successful treatment of mild and moderate patients, and 12-24 sessions of treatment for successful treatment of severe patients.
The effect of the treatment is felt 1 month after the end of the last Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED session.
Since Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment has no side effects, there is no limit to the number of sessions. In addition, every 6-session treatment increases the success even more. Repeating the 6-session treatment in the future further increases the effect of the treatment.
Increase of penis thickness of 5mm with Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment is a frequently observed condition in patients. The reason for this is the formation of new vessels.
Low Intensity Shock Wave Therapy has been used successfully in the field of Cardiology since 2000 in the treatment of re-blooding of the heart tissue with impaired blood supply, it increases the blood supply in the tissue with less blood in the heart. After being formed, the shock waves, which are first reflected and then focused, lead to the formation of thin new vessels in the penis as well as in the heart, increasing penile blood supply, and thus successful erection is achieved again. Successful erection depends on adequate blood supply in the penis.
Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction) is the inability to initiate or maintain the erection required for sexual intercourse. Vascular disease, also known as atherosclerosis, is the underlying cause in 70% of people with Erectile Dysfunction. Among the vascular diseases, the most common ones are Heart Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes, but all diseases involving the vessels can occur with Erectile Dysfunction. Atherosclerosis, which affects the coronary vessels in the heart, also affects all other vessels of the body, penile vessels being one of them.
Another very common disease among vascular diseases is Diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that affects all the fine capillaries of the body, including the penile vessels. For this reason, Erectile Dysfunction is definitely seen in early or late period in Diabetics.
The most important factors that trigger and advance vascular disease or atherosclerosis are smoking, high cholesterol and lipid in the blood.
In addition, Erectile Dysfunction is frequently seen as a side effect of many medical drugs used in the treatment of various diseases. Contrary to what is known, Erectile Dysfunction is a very common complaint. It occurs intermittently or continuously in 2 out of every 3 men over the age of 40. With Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment, additional vessel formation is provided to the capillaries in the penis. This causes blood to go to the penis and more rigidity is provided.
- Diabetes
- Cholesterol
- Heart (Bypass, Angio)
- Blood pressure
- Prostatitis
- Depression
- In chronic patients, the veins become irritated, calcified and blockages occur over time. This blockage is removed by shock wave therapy.
PERMANENTITY OF THE TREATMENT: It varies according to the person’s structure and chronic diseases. The more care a person cares about his health, the longer the treatment will last.
- Those who wear a penile prosthesis
- Varicocele : death of sperm in the penis
- Venous Leakage: It can be effective even if it is a little, it is useful to try.
- In patients with prostate, when the prostate enlarges, it compresses the vessels and nerves, and there is no hardening. Treatment can be applied 3 months after the operation.
- Patients with inguinal hernia can be treated 1 month after the operation.
In young patients, the treatment gives faster results because the cell is of better quality. As age progresses, stem cells decrease and the vessels begin to stop working. With Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment, dead cells are activated and damaged vessels are repaired. 1 month after the treatment ends, additional vessel formation occurs in the capillaries in the penis, so more blood causes more hardening.
ED-SWT treatment is applied directly to various parts of the penis and to the root of the penis. 300 shock shots are applied to each area in one session, a total of 1,500. It is applied to 5 different points on the penis. The treatment lasts a total of 6 sessions. Depending on the severity of the discomfort, the treatment can be completed in 6-12 sessions. Each session takes approximately 20 minutes. Before treatment no sedation, sedatives, etc. is required. There are no side effects such as pain, ache, swelling, bruising, burning and irritation during or after the procedure.
- Medicine, prosthesis, etc. are not used. This treatment method is completely non-invasive.
- As with other treatment methods, it does not need to be used before every sexual intercourse.
- Like drug treatment, it not only opens the vessels for a while, but also completely removes the blockages in the vessels and accelerates the formation of new vessels, providing permanent treatment.
- Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment has been observed to increase penile thickness by increasing blood vessels.
- After the procedure, the patient continues his daily life.
- It does not require the application of drugs such as anesthesia, sedatives during and after the procedure.
- ED-SWT treatment success is over 80%. In severe patients who do not even respond to drug therapy, the success rate exceeds 60%.
- After ED-SWT treatment, patients no longer need the drug treatments they used before.
- It has no side effects.
Current non-surgical treatment modalities of erectile dysfunction consist of intracavernosal injections of intravenous vasodilating agents. In these methods, blood flow is accelerated by increasing the width of the vessel. The disadvantages of these treatment methods are that they do not eliminate the pathological factors underlying the erection of the penis. It is generally used before sexual intercourse and the duration of action is very limited.
In drug treatments, drugs are taken orally and the active ingredients are mixed into the blood. This situation causes the active substances that should open the veins in the penis to spread throughout the body and affect all veins. Thus, serious risks occur for individuals with cardiovascular diseases. In Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment, focused shock waves only stimulate the blood vessels in the targeted area.
Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED, the pathological factors in question are completely eliminated, and complete recovery is observed even in severe patients. With Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED, as in other treatment methods, vessel width is not increased, new vessel formation is provided. Like this especially in people with cardiovascular disease, are avoided. In addition, since Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED is a non-invasive treatment method, the patient does not undergo surgical intervention. After the session lasting approximately 20 minutes, the patient continues his daily life from where he left off.
Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED system is a device specially designed for penile applications in this field. The Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED system is designed to provide maximum efficiency even from the lowest rhythms of shock waves. Unlike other devices in the market, this system has adjustable electro frequency, and the number of shocks can be adjusted specifically for each person. Thus, Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatments give much more effective results in a short time.
Prostatitis (prostate inflammation) is inflammation of the prostate gland. Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) is the most common prostate disease in men under the age of 50, while it is the third most common prostate disease in men aged 50 and over, after prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. According to studies, prostatitis affects 10-14 % of men of all ages and ethnicities, and more than 50% of men experience prostatitis at some point in their lives.
Chronic prostatitis is often treated with long-term use of antibiotics. Most of the patients do not recover despite using boxes of antibiotics.
Low-intensity electromagnetic shock wave (Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED) therapy in chronic prostatitis patients improve;
By providing new vessel formation,
By increasing blood flow,
By inhibiting inflammation,
By reducing muscle contractions,
By affecting nerve impulses,
It has been shown by scientific studies that it improves pain, urinary complaints and sexual functions by 80%.
Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment is applied from the perineum (between eggs and anus) and over the skin. It does not require any intervention. After the procedure, patients continue their lives from where they left off. No anesthesia or hospitalization is required. At least 6-12 sessions are done twice a week. The treatment takes about 20 minutes.
A decrease in pain and improvement in erectile dysfunction were detected in patients who underwent Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment. The low-energy shock waves applied cause the plaque to shrink in Peyronie’s plaques in the acute phase with their effects on the tissue healing mechanism. These remarkable effects on pain and penile curvature during erection contribute to the sexual life of Peyronie patients with a erection quality, apart from the treatment of pain and penile curvature.
Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED treatment applies low-intensity shock waves to the shaft and crus area on the penis with a non-invasive method, and ultimately helps to increase blood flow in these areas of the penis and to treat Peyronie. After the procedure, patients return to their lives from where they left off. No anesthesia or hospitalization is required. The application is done as at least 1 or 2 sessions per week. Depending on the age and size of the plate, 6-24 sessions are required. The session takes 30-40 minutes.
Prostate and Erectile Dysfunction
The prostate is an important gland in every man and weighs up to 18-20 grams in young-adult men. Prostate disease is a disease that is frequently encountered by middle and upper-aged men and that significantly affects the sexual and daily life of the patient. Prostate disease, which starts to appear in middle age, generally occurs in three ways.
- Inflammation of the prostate
- Prostate cancer
- Benign prostate enlargement
The main task of the prostate is to ensure that the semen is formed to a large extent and to give vitality and movement to the sperm in the semen. Having a problem in the prostate gland affects the sexual health as well as the general health of the patient.
Prostate disease usually manifests itself as pain and burning during urination, frequent urination, blood in the urine, sexual reluctance and erection problem, and pain in the testicles.
In the treatment of prostate disease, drugs and surgical methods are generally; In prostate cancer, radiotherapy and hormone treatments are also used depending on the severity of the disease.
According to scientific studies, it has been observed that the factors that cause prostate disease also cause erectile dysfunction. In addition, hormone treatments used in prostate cancer suppress the male hormone. After these drugs that prevent testosterone, the person may experience sexual reluctance and loss of penile functions. In addition, erection nerves are usually removed in prostate cancer surgeries. Thus, the patient suffers loss of erection.
Antibiotic drugs, surgical methods and radiotherapy (in prostate cancer) are generally used in the treatment of prostate disease. These treatments can cause severe damage to the body and reduce the patient’s quality of life.
Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED, treats in and around the prostate gland;
- By providing new vessel formation,
- By increasing blood supply,
- By preventing inflammation,
- With Modus Focused ESWT – Modus ED nerve impulses are affected, eliminating pain, complaints in urination and sexual problems.

Why should you choose modus focused?
As it can be seen in the figure, Modus Focused ESWT has an electrohydraulic working principle.
According to the researches, electrohydraulic shock waves have high energy. For this reason, its pain-reducing effect is high and it takes effect in 1 session (Ogden JA, Alvarez RG, Marlow M. Shockwave Therapy for Chronic Proximal Plantar Fasciitis: A Meta-Analysis. Foot & Ankle International. 2002;23(4):301-308. doi:10.1177/107110070202300402).
Electromagnetic and piezo systems, on the other hand, work with less energy and therefore need to be supported with more than one treatment method.
Why Modus Focused?
- Guarantee effective shock wave treatment
- Aesthetic and technological design
- Pathology guide by video monitoring
- Different application nozzles
- Maintenance-free Generator and Handpiece unit
- Low operating cost
- Unlimited patient
- Unlimited patient registration capacity
- CE quality assurance
- 2 years of manufacturer's warranty
- Delivery guarantee at the address, including cargo

Which shock wave is better for you? Radial or focused?
Radial shock wave is the most common type of shockwave therapy, used in most clinics. However, Focused shock wave is growing in popularity, due to the increased treatment options, treatment depth, treatment precision and patient comfort in more acute cases.
Focused and Radial shockwaves differ not only in regard to their physical properties and mode of generation, but also in terms of the magnitude of the standard parameters (pressure amplitude, pulse duration, impact) used and the therapeutic tissue penetration depths achieved.
According to usage and treatment needs, the doctor needs to prefer the right device. Orthopaedists, Physiotherapists and Urologists are using both devices but Focused ESWT devices’ effectivity is higher than Radial models, nevertheless Orthopaedists and Physiotherapists are mostly using radial models because of the economical price.
Inceler Medikal produces both Focused & Radial model ESWT devices, and as urologist are preferring focused devices for the treatment of diseases like Erectile Dysnfunction and peyronie’s disease, radial devices are most succesful for applications in orthopedy such as achilles tendon, bone fracture treatment, plantar fasciitis. Device principle choice is completely depending on the doctor preference.